Free Environment Dissertation Examples


Words: 550
Pages: 1

Advertising The industry of advertising is on the verge of changes – these changes ascribed to the changes in media, technology, social and economic environment. By definition, advertising is a form of paid persuasive communication. This form of communication uses different mass and media to reach as many people as possible in efforts to connect the identified sponsors with the buyers. Generally, the basic reasons for advertising are providing information about products goods and services…

water quality

Words: 825
Pages: 3

Water Quality Name: Institutional affiliation: Water Quality Abstract The quality of water is gauged by its physical appearance, the smell of the water, filtration and other laboratory tests to determine the level of contamination. The experiment sought to find out the water quality of Dasani bottled water, water from people’s taps, and Fiji water. The project tests the levels of ammonia, chlorine, alkalinity, hardness, phosphates, iron and the pH in the water. The water is…

Accessing scholarly research

Words: 550
Pages: 2

Q1 In the library database clicking on the title of the article automatically provides an article record then to examine true records peruse through the abstract. To read the article click on a button of “PDF full Text” the link will give the article. Analysing of the article Introduction and review Q2 The article examines parent’s contributions to adolescents and the depressions among 297 students in college and 173 teenagers in the adolescent. The discussion…

Puerto Azul

Words: 1375
Pages: 5

Puerto Azul Name Institutional Affiliation Abstract The Purto Azul Hotel based in Ternate Cavite, Philippines is considering the reconstruction of its old hotel facility. Therefore, it is important to conduct a market analysis to evaluate the viability of the proposed development of Purto Azul Hotel. This Hotel Needs Assessment has been developed for Puerto Azul Hotel for the proposed reconstruction of the hotel facility. This needs assessment evaluates whether there is a need for the…

Songs and Earth Sounds Name Institutional Affiliation The Voyager Golden Record is one of the most creative works made directed to the aliens. The Musical record is inspired by the need to offer some form of evidence to the aliens that humans ever existed on the Earth. Therefore, exhilarating music was selected from all over the earth to capture the position of the earth in the universe, how life on earth is and its scenic…

Enhancement of the Quality of Education through Affordable College Author Institutional Affiliation Enhancement of the Quality of Education through Affordable College Introduction The United States’ education system piloted the world throughout the Twentieth Century, as the nation sent generations to higher learning institutions, and fostered the most accomplished workforce on the global scale, which enabled an unparalleled era of economic expanse and rise of middle-class incomes. Nonetheless, at the moment, other countries have followed suit…

Questions on Ethics

Words: 550
Pages: 2

Questions on Ethics Question 1 According to (King 154), written stories are hidden in books, articles, and other printed media, and although these sources are public, the action of reading is private. King insists that oral stories are public, contrary to the belief of many. I agree with King on this notion that oral stories are public. Indeed, oral stories attract a large audience, unlike written stories which are hidden in books and only accessible…

Transportation Management

Words: 275
Pages: 1

Institutional Affiliation Transportation Management Advantages and Disadvantages of using pipeline. Pipeline is a mode that has been used to transport oil and gas over long distances. This mode of transport is advantageous since it allows the transportation of large volumes of oil and gas. It does not occupy farm land and it only involves laying of pipelines, constructing the pump stations and maintaining them. This method also has low maintenance costs, does not pollute the…

Functional Behavior Assessment

Words: 1100
Pages: 4

Background Information Jose is a fifty-year-old architect. He is married and has two children; a seven-year-old girl and a three-year-old boy. He lives with his family; wife, and children in a three bedroomed home. From the time he was 12 until when he married at 38, Jose lived with his mother. His parents separated when he was 12 due to his father’s violent nature which was the cause of domestic violence in the home. Since…

Commonplace Journal Log

Words: 2750
Pages: 10

Commonplace Journal Log Student Name Instructor Course Name Date Table of Contents TOC o "1-3" h z u Common Place Log #1 PAGEREF _Toc513731825 h 3Part 1. The Art of Narration PAGEREF _Toc513731826 h 3Clever Manka- Anonymous author (Page 19) PAGEREF _Toc513731827 h 3Commonplace Log #2 PAGEREF _Toc513731828 h 5Part 2: The Storytellers PAGEREF _Toc513731829 h 5High Horse Courting- Black Elk (Page 30-34) PAGEREF _Toc513731830 h 5Old Boss Wants into Heaven- John Blackmore (Pages 34-37)…

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