Free Professional Dissertation Examples


Words: 825
Pages: 3

Analysis of the CDC Website on ADHD Student name Institution Affiliation Analysis of the CDC Website on ADHD The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) website gives all the information that should be provided to anyone visiting the site to get informed on a health or disease condition. For example, the site is providing information on the Attention-Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). The CDC website offers detailed information such as the necessary information of the…

Department of Children and Family Services Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) Description of the Agency Services Offered DCFS is an agency of the local county government whose services revolve around foster care, adoption, and exploration of child well-being and mistreatment assertions. Besides investigating accounts of abuse and neglect among children, the department provides other services related to supporting families in immediate danger of having their children taken out of…

Name Professor’s Name Course number Date Prime Minister Pierre Elliott Trudeau and his Immigration Policy: A success or a failure? Immigration legislation in Canada has continuously evolved since 1869. In 8th October 1971, Elliot Trudeau who was the Prime Minister then announced while addressing the House of Commons that the official immigration policy of the Canadian government was multiculturalism. In 1988, multiculturalism was passed as legislation making Canada the first country to make multiculturism law.…

Why do Employers Emphasize Public Speaking The backbone of the society today is communication. Through communication, we influence decisions, form sure connections, motivate, and facilitate change. It would be nearly impossible to progress in life and the world if we lacked communication. In the work and business world, public speaking is an essential skill as it affects the everyday interactions among bosses, employees, clients, marketing professionals, and coworkers. Thus, public speaking is a crucial skill…

Age and the kidney transplant Name: Institution: Abstract Anybody who is wishing to donate or who needs a kidney transplant always has one fundamental question of suitability. Suitability to donate or receive a kidney depends on the general health and the age of the person concerned with other factors. However, the health practitioners are downplaying the role of age in kidney transplant (Naumovic & Marinkovic, 2015). They argue that universal rule is lacking that dictates…

Student’s Name Institution Affiliation Date Abstract This assignment is about the mission that CIO will hold on introducing new strategies that will help in the success of the corporate. The mission will comprise of nine major important points that will be discussed. Being an operation manager in the department, I will discuss the roll-out phase using a three-phase system and respond to the technology on LAN and MAN. I will take a chance and look…

U.S Criminal Justice System Introduction. There is no doubt that attempts to reform the U.S criminal justice system over the years have been successful although there is more that needs to be done. Judging from existing evidence, it is clear that there are inherent flaws in the criminal justice system that pervades the administration of fair trials to individuals accused of a criminal offense. The unequal incarceration rate in the U.S on the basis of…

Ethical Considerations in Psychotherapy Termination Student Name Institutional Affiliation Abstract Today, psychologists work in a society setting that has ascribed to more proficient expectations of clinical treatment interventions than in the previous years. Psychologists and counselors are expected to act and work in strict adherence to the ethical code that is described in the American Counseling Association (ACA). Therefore, mental health counselors are expected to deliver efficient and professional services that prioritize the best interest…

Mathematics Study Guide

Words: 275
Pages: 1

Mathematics is unique from other subjects. It applies to specific procedures, comprises symbols and formulas, plus it has comprehensive terminologies of its own. Therefore, there are distinct study skills necessary for a student to succeed in math. While there exists no one sure way to reading math, discussed here are some of the crucial tips, study skills, and considerations needed to flourish in math. Firstly, Mathematics calls for active learning. Apart from listening and reading,…


Words: 1100
Pages: 4

EDUCATION Name Date TABLE 1- Interview Sample The table is made up of data obtained from 27 female teachers. The information has been grouped under various distinctions. These are to wit; the stage or academic level in which the interviewees teach, the subject of their teaching and the number of years of experience which they possess. The educational level has been classified as either Primary, Intermediate or Secondary level. It was evident from the table…

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