Free University Dissertation Examples

Student’s surname Professor Course Date Classical antiquity in modern American cinema Classical antiquity has played a significant role in ensuring the success of cinema industry since the 18th century. The word “antiquity” refers to events that happened in the past even before the westernization of the world. In many modern films, they try to portray the activities that occurred in the past by trying to show the mythical and historical events that happened in the…

Market and Social Systems

Words: 825
Pages: 3

Part 1 – Theory v: In-Degree of 1, Out-Degree of 1 s: In-Degree of 2, Out-Degree of 1. w: In-Degree of 2, Out-Degree of 1 u: In-Degree of 1 , Out-Degree of 1 q: In-Degree of 1, Out-Degree of 3 z: In-Degree of 1, Out-Degree of 1 y: In-Degree of 3, Out-Degree of 1 r: In-Degree of 0, Out-Degree of 2 t: In-Degree of 1, Out-Degree of 2 x: In-Degree of 2, Out-Degree of 1…

Daurbert Hearing Exercise

Words: 1375
Pages: 5

Name Professor Course Date Inadmissibility of Forensic Science Evidence in a Court The American courts until the 1980s applied a tolerant procedure of admitting experts' testimony. There was a general rule that required the expert witnesses to be professionally qualified in the area of evidence although it lacked a follow-up. Nonetheless, the qualifications of the expert witnesses were defined although on liberal terms. However, there was an increase in scientific based cases a factor that…

M1A1: Project Milestone – Initial Ideas and Research for the Final Project Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation M1A1: Project Milestone – Initial Ideas and Research for the Final Project Introduction Primarily, running a business involves making decisions and conducting operations in a setting that is both dynamic and turbulent (Hill & Hult, 2015). Therefore, with a focus on the global business environment, this paper focus on a variety of factors that are contributory to key business…

News values

Words: 1650
Pages: 6

News Values. According to Buckingham (2013, p. 23), contemporary media, also known as the new media, refers to the technology-driven, internet-based media. Buckingham (2013, p. 23) posits that it includes media platforms such as social media, podcasts, online publications, blogs and video streaming sites. This type of media is facilitated by advancement in technology which has accorded the audience the ability to access Internet-based content. It has significantly replaced the content distribution channels that were…

Plain language

Words: 550
Pages: 1

Plain language refers to a type of communication in which your audience can easily understand the first time they hear or read it. The plain writing act defines a "plain language" as writing which is concise and well planned and that it follows best practices that are to the subject and intended audience. A language that is plain to one individual may not be plain to the other person. Written material is known to be…

Internet privacy

Words: 275
Pages: 1

Internet privacy has become a heated debate in the American society. There are laws that have been passed in regards to protecting the privacy of the users. However, the internet service providers have a fiduciary duty to protect customer's data because many of them transact and use critical information that when shared with a third party, it might have a major impact on the reputation of individuals (Buell 1). Therefore, the internet providers do not…

Importance of Residency for Pharmacists Student Name Institution Affiliation The final year of a pharmacy student is focused on assessing the field and coming up with a career plan that will fit an individual’s passion. This process can be quite daunting, and at the same time exciting due to the numerous options available. The process of advanced practice experiences (APPEs) requires students to spend 1500 hours exploring the nine unique career opportunities available for a…

Nuclear power Versus Renewable Energy Sources. The biggest problem with the non-renewable sources of energy is the depletion of the energy sources. For example, the sources for the petroleum products is expected to be depleted in the next twenty-five years if the nuclear and non-renewable energy sources are not encouraged and utilized for the power generation. Solutions have been developed on how to generate enough electricity for the future generations. The future of the power…

Macromolecule Structure and Function  Student’s Name Institution’s Affiliation Introduction Many of the groundbreaking scientific discoveries start as a simple descriptive science which sparks interest as a result of previously established scientific criteria. Molecular biology is a very complex and still evolving discipline that tries to establish scientific functions that take place at the molecular level. The discipline revolves around biological machines including lipids, proteins, carbohydrates, nucleic acids and the complex structures formed by the stated…

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