Free Psychology Dissertation Examples

The Beauty of Interdisciplinary Studies It is always a desire of many students to do a good degree course that they enjoy. Many students find it really pleasing to realize that the degree program they are pursuing is not only marketable but it is in line with their talents, hobbies and heart desires. The truth of the matter is that many times, degree programs can be in line with a student's desires but is not…

Bullying Article Summary

Words: 275
Pages: 1

Bullying Article Summary Defining bullying as “hostile and proactive” (p. 475) ignores the social dynamic of bullying. Sometimes in an interpersonal dynamic, a bully reacts merely to a prompt as a way to preserve their social influence. In addition, the study suggests there are four groups of adolescents in a school, bullies, victims, a mixture of bullies and victims and those not involved. This grouping does not have adolescents who take an active stance against…

Cognitive Development Theory Instructor Institution Abstract Jean Piaget developed the theory of cognitive development, and it has been in use since 1936. This theory is made up of 4 stages that explain how a kid advances from one step to another as he matures. The significant strength of this theory includes its ability to facilitate kids learning process; it allows a tutor to identify the difference of each tutor when teaching. Also in the case…

Accessing scholarly research

Words: 550
Pages: 2

Q1 In the library database clicking on the title of the article automatically provides an article record then to examine true records peruse through the abstract. To read the article click on a button of “PDF full Text” the link will give the article. Analysing of the article Introduction and review Q2 The article examines parent’s contributions to adolescents and the depressions among 297 students in college and 173 teenagers in the adolescent. The discussion…

Psychoanalysis Theory

Words: 275
Pages: 1

Psychoanalysis Theory Psychoanalysis theory is a theory of the human mind that that explains how the unconscious thoughts are determined by personality development. This implies that childhood events which Sigmund Freud classified them into developmental stages have a huge impact on one’s unconscious thoughts (Schmoop). This theory is commonly applied in psychoanalysis, a form of psychological therapy and the population that is usually covered includes people with anxiety disorders and those suffering from depression. It…

Gender Inequality and Breast Cancer Part A Social inequality is a defining characteristic of many societies in the contemporary world and its roots can be traced back to hundreds of years. Social inequality entails unequal access to resources, information decision making as well as authority. Gender inequality has been one of the most enduring forms of social inequality in almost every society on earth. Gender inequality has to do with the differences in the distribution…

Creative Blog

Words: 1375
Pages: 5

Creative Blog Student’s Name Institution Affiliation Creative Blog Entry 1 My name is James Bustamante. I have had almost all my life centered in Bergenfield, New Jersey. I have always had a great interest in literature because I believe it is the mirror of the society. From this course, I believe I will be able to understand people, communities, and the relationships around me. The idea of implementing a blog into the study is exciting…

Title Protection and Licensure

Words: 550
Pages: 2

Title Protection and Licensure Name Institution Title Protection and Licensure To practice psychology, therapy, social work or professional counseling in Louisiana, one will need to acquire a license from the Louisiana Social Work Licensing Board. The requirements depend on the level or class of the social worker. The law of the Louisiana state has stipulated three levels of social workers; Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW), Licensed Master Social Worker (LMSW), and the Registered Social Worker…

Do Children who grow up in Middle-Class Single Parent Households become more prone to Committing Domestic Violence when they are Adults in Relationships? Student’s Name University Abstract The family life impacts of the single parents on children’s adult relationships are grouped into socioeconomic position and short-term effects of divorce. Single-parent families that develop because of divorce can have adverse behavioral and psychological consequences on the children in their early ages, which can maintain up to…


Words: 275
Pages: 1

Health Psychology Strategies Discussion Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Health Psychology Strategies Discussion The author's opinion focuses on three major concepts that are essential for a health psychology specialist. Problem-focused coping strategies are indeed crucial as they enable a health psychologist to handle a particular situation that cannot be reversed. The comparison between emotional-focused coping strategies and those of problem-focused is insightful and educative as well. The author notes that although the former is effective, the…

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