Free History Dissertation Examples

Psychoanalysis Theory

Words: 275
Pages: 1

Psychoanalysis Theory Psychoanalysis theory is a theory of the human mind that that explains how the unconscious thoughts are determined by personality development. This implies that childhood events which Sigmund Freud classified them into developmental stages have a huge impact on one’s unconscious thoughts (Schmoop). This theory is commonly applied in psychoanalysis, a form of psychological therapy and the population that is usually covered includes people with anxiety disorders and those suffering from depression. It…

Suffragette Poster Propaganda

Words: 1925
Pages: 7

Introduction. Suffragettes were members’ women groups in late 1800s and early 1900s which backed the extension of suffrage to women. In particular, it relates to the militants groups in the UK who championed for this right in a violent manner. Historically, this started long time ago. In fact, some people view its origin as back to creation times. Women victimization and gender inequality can be traced long time ago. They were limited to home chores…

The term ‘unidentified flying object’ means the alien craft of the space. It relates to the aerial phenomena. It has been reported throughout the history of the world, and it has raised many questions about the existence of the other planets. In this task, we are going to expound on these two websites which explain about the unidentified flying object but approach this topic about extraterrestrials from different angles. The topic websites to compare and…

Commonplace Journal Log

Words: 2750
Pages: 10

Commonplace Journal Log Student Name Instructor Course Name Date Table of Contents TOC o "1-3" h z u Common Place Log #1 PAGEREF _Toc513731825 h 3Part 1. The Art of Narration PAGEREF _Toc513731826 h 3Clever Manka- Anonymous author (Page 19) PAGEREF _Toc513731827 h 3Commonplace Log #2 PAGEREF _Toc513731828 h 5Part 2: The Storytellers PAGEREF _Toc513731829 h 5High Horse Courting- Black Elk (Page 30-34) PAGEREF _Toc513731830 h 5Old Boss Wants into Heaven- John Blackmore (Pages 34-37)…

Pernicious Anemia: Student Name: Institution Affiliation: Part 1: Mindmap for patients with Pernicious Anemia Patient information: Female 38 years old Divorced African American Problems Pernicious anemia Weakness Tingling Impaired memory Paraplegia History Severe weakness Pale skin Fatigue and loss of breath Testing The Schilling test Blood tests for methylmalonic acid Blood cell count Blood vitamin measurements Bone marrow biopsy Physical examination: Well-nourished Well-nourished Little distress Respiratory effort normal Low blood pressure Medication: Vitamin B12 pills…

American Civil War

Words: 1650
Pages: 6

Name Instructor Course Date American Civil War Introduction The civil war remains an important event in the history of the united states and has been attributed to significant changes in the nation. During this period, America faced a massive division, pitying states in the north and those in the south. The difference which was of economic, social and political nature ultimately culminated into the civil war. While slavery was the dominating factor that caused the…

Student’s Name Professor’s Name Subject Date Teaching Strategies Becoming aware of your school environment is critical to improving your performance and those of your students. After reviewing the background of my class and realizing that 30% of my students are performing below expected standards, I will have to be cognizant of the fact that there is a lot of work that needs to be done. Getting to know these students better is the first step.…

Student’s name Professor’s name Course Date Annotated Bibliography Black History Introduction Black history is a very rich topic with numerous books written to show the struggles black people went through. With many stories written and told we can't fully understand the racial struggles African Americans have endured throughout history and even currently. With this being such a broad topic it is understandable to ease its introduction to our children. There are stories of how people…

Hamlet Analysis

Words: 550
Pages: 2

Hamlet is one of the exemplary plays on a tragedy that was written by William Shakespear decades ago. It is considered to be one of the most influential works in the history of literature having been written in a well-organized manner that captures events clearly without much hustle. The play covers a revenge mission conducted by the Prince referred to as Hamlet whose father ruled in Denmark but died in unclear circumstances. The revenge is…


Words: 1650
Pages: 6

THE NAZI AND STALIN REGIMES. PART ONE: HITLER "The National Socialists were violent street thugs, who used violence to intimidate and physically attack their political opponents." From the start of the NS movement until its end in 1945, assess the validity of this statement. Be sure to use specific examples to support your analysis. The National Socialism, also called the Nazi movement, was the ideological practice and associated with the traditional German’s Nazi people. Its…

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