Free History Dissertation Examples

Discussion week one ECN221_1

Words: 275
Pages: 1

Why Should Policy Makers care about GDP? Name of Student Name of Institution Gross Domestic Product – GDP should be a matter of concern to the policy makers since it is the most reliable gauge of growth of a country’s economy on a quarterly or annual basis. The policymakers should not take the GDP statistics at face value and should have a broad focus; not development of the economy solely (Coyle, 2014). They should be…

Negotiation with a stranger

Words: 2200
Pages: 8

Negotiations Student name Institutions Date Abstract page In the society today, there are a lot of social injustices and the only solution is to face them with a lot of courage. However, using authorities like the court and the police is not the only solution. Sometimes we need to negotiate, identify where the problem is and try to find a solution. Negotiation usually involves two conflicting parties. A negotiator is a neutral person who has…

THE LEGACY OF ENSLAVEMENT OF AFRICANS by Name Course Details Professor’s Name University City, State Date Slavery thrived in many parts of the world in the 18th and 19th centuries, and it manifested as the inhumane treatment of the slaves of African descent. The war against slavery was won on June 22, 1865 (Foner, 1991) or so it is believed. Over the years there have been increasing doubts about whether or not slavery did end…

Name: Professor: Subject: Date: Horror in Movies and Stories In literature, every story is told with a certain consideration of the issue. This shows the reader or the one watching the opinion or feelings of the individuals involved in the situation. It is the mode of narration the author employs to let the readers ‘hear’ and ‘see’ what takes place in the story, poem or movie. Horror scenes are one of the techniques applied in…

Is there still a need for Human Intelligence? Student’s Name Code + Course Name Professor’s Name University Name City, State Date Recently, there has been the myth that artificial intelligence might replace the need for human expertise. Every headline highlights the growth of the AI industry; there is a subsequent one describing why AI is threatening human jobs and intelligence. However, what these sources miss is the critical value and uniqueness of using human knowledge…


Words: 2750
Pages: 10

CARBON EMISSIONS Table of Contents TOC o "1-3" h z u Table Of Figures PAGEREF _Toc511891472 h 4Abstract PAGEREF _Toc511891473 h 5I.Background Information PAGEREF _Toc511891474 h 6a.Population (current status and trend) PAGEREF _Toc511891475 h 6b.Economy (current status and trend) PAGEREF _Toc511891476 h 6c.Carbon emissions, carbon intensity PAGEREF _Toc511891477 h 6d.Current energy use, resources, and flow PAGEREF _Toc511891478 h 7e.Environmental concerns and risks PAGEREF _Toc511891479 h 7II.Power Systems PAGEREF _Toc511891480 h 8a.Current status, including energy mix…

Student’s Name: Professor’s Name: Course Number: Date: Blanche Dubois: A Streetlight Turned Off In some way, Tennessee Williams’ play comes out as a mystery in that Stanley examines Blanche’s context, and an always untangled set of truth and un-truth is revealed to the unpleasant blaze of light. In the first scenes, we get a clue of the major issues addressed by the author the superior being Blanche’s fear of light, “the searchlight which had been…


Words: 275
Pages: 1

History Methods Portfolio and Exit Interview A copy of the syllabus and a complete unit plan (including comprehensive lesson plans for each day of the unit) for a course you are proposing to teach Explain why Texas has been historically wary of federal (national) funding and substantial investments of outside capital. Explain how this affected Texas economically, socially, and politically from the Reconstruction era onward. When and why did this change in the twentieth century?…

The Importance of History

Words: 825
Pages: 3

The Importance of History SUBJECT 1-2: Why does History Matter? The video “what is history for?” posits that history provides solutions to current problems and that those who lack knowledge on history cannot improve the present. In this light, in 2017 the New Orleans mayor oversaw the removal of four Confederate monuments. The people in favor of confiscating confederate icons argue that the icons are a symbol of white supremacy while those in favor of…


Words: 825
Pages: 3

Name: Course: Instructor: Date: Question 2 Which of the following long-term outcomes of the Atlantic Revolutions do you think has had the greatest impact on world history? The emergence of nations and nationalism, the emergence of feminism, Abolition of slavery, Creation of new states in the Americas. Despite the high regard for other outcomes, the greatest long-term effect of the Atlantic revolutions is the rise of nations and nationalism. These revolutions propagated a major change…

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