Free Health Dissertation Examples

Macromolecule Structure and Function  Student’s Name Institution’s Affiliation Introduction Many of the groundbreaking scientific discoveries start as a simple descriptive science which sparks interest as a result of previously established scientific criteria. Molecular biology is a very complex and still evolving discipline that tries to establish scientific functions that take place at the molecular level. The discipline revolves around biological machines including lipids, proteins, carbohydrates, nucleic acids and the complex structures formed by the stated…

The Hershey Company

Words: 1100
Pages: 2

The Hershey Company Introduction Hershey is a company whose activities deal with manufacturing and distribution of consumer goods across the country. The company was started with an objective of customer satisfaction without compromise on the standard and quality of the products we manufacture and distribute countrywide. It is organized into a chief executive who is the director of the company and flat management which encompass team management here all decisions are made by any member…

Steroids Use in Baseball

Words: 275
Pages: 1

Steroids Use in Baseball Introduction For as long as baseball has existed, players have attempted to gain a physical advantage over their adversaries in the league. As a result, in the last few decades, performance-enhancing drugs have pervaded the sport impacting the way the society views the game itself not to mention the players (Ward, 2015). Steroids like testosterone shots and other anabolic drugs have become common among the players in the bid to boost…

Policy Memo

Words: 2200
Pages: 4

Policy Memo: Mental Health Status of Undocumented Hispanic Immigrants in Texas Student’s Name Institution Affiliation Mental Health Status of Undocumented Hispanic Immigrants in Texas Executive Summary TO:Recipient’s Name Department of State Health Services FROM:Senders Name SUBJECT:Mental health status of undocumented Hispanic immigrants in Houston, Texas DATE:Day Month Year Problem Statement Research indicates the Latin-American population has a lower lifetime prevalence of mental health disorders than the U.S-born non-Hispanic White population. Despite holding a seeming mental…

Is there still a need for Human Intelligence? Student’s Name Code + Course Name Professor’s Name University Name City, State Date Recently, there has been the myth that artificial intelligence might replace the need for human expertise. Every headline highlights the growth of the AI industry; there is a subsequent one describing why AI is threatening human jobs and intelligence. However, what these sources miss is the critical value and uniqueness of using human knowledge…


Words: 2750
Pages: 10

CARBON EMISSIONS Table of Contents TOC o "1-3" h z u Table Of Figures PAGEREF _Toc511891472 h 4Abstract PAGEREF _Toc511891473 h 5I.Background Information PAGEREF _Toc511891474 h 6a.Population (current status and trend) PAGEREF _Toc511891475 h 6b.Economy (current status and trend) PAGEREF _Toc511891476 h 6c.Carbon emissions, carbon intensity PAGEREF _Toc511891477 h 6d.Current energy use, resources, and flow PAGEREF _Toc511891478 h 7e.Environmental concerns and risks PAGEREF _Toc511891479 h 7II.Power Systems PAGEREF _Toc511891480 h 8a.Current status, including energy mix…

Nursing & Midwifery Council (NMC)

Words: 550
Pages: 2

Welcome to the organization that caters to all nurses and their nursing needs. Just like the national council of the state board of Nursing (NCSBN), the organization is nonprofit and offers jurisdiction and other services to its members. The function of The Organization The organization offers the following services; Provide jurisdiction on nursing laws Represent the nurses’ rights Offer professional advice to nurses Provide career guidance to nurses and new nursing students Provide safety for…

The percentage number of people in prison aged 50 years and above continues to increase over the years. This makes the middle-aged and older adults the fastest demographic growing group in prisons. A recent report by public health England (PHE) shows that the number of elderly prisoners has increased by a percentage of 150 since 2002. This figure is expected to grow over the next four years. For instance, in the United States of America,…

Stress in the Workplace

Words: 1375
Pages: 5

Executive Summary The research is about the effects of job stress health of a worker. Employment has both positive effects such as satisfaction and adverse effects such as stress and depression. Stress can be chronic, acute or traumatic and can affect the immune system. A survey wa conducted by the American Psychological Association on stress in the workplace involving 1500 America adults above18 years who were either self-employed, part-time or fully employed. The findings show…

Harriet Tubman

Words: 825
Pages: 3

Harriet Tubman. Harriet was brought up in a life where she faced numerous cases of hardship. She faced cases of violence as she grew up, therefore, at some point in life the vivid memories always traumatized her. She worked as a slave in a store where she was tortured daily by the supervisors who were in charge at that particular moment. According to the background that she was raised from, her father was released from…

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